Median Diagnosics is the first company in South Korea to be licensed for
manufacturing in-vitro diagnosics for animals in 2001, introducing and operating
a thorough quality control system based on International Organization for
Standardization (ISO 9001:2015), and aims to develop, produce, and supply
SMART products (Speedy, Measurable, Accurate, Reasonable, Test) to supply the
world’s highest quality diagnostic kits. In 2023, a lateral flow test for Foot and
Mouth Disease, product name VDRG FMDV 3Diff/PAN Ag rapid kit, was registered
by the World Organization for Animal Health as the first foot-and-mouth disease
test kit.
” We are currently experiencing growth with a team of over 80 members, with a
significant focus on Korea and Asia. However, our future plans involve expanding
into a global enterprise, reaching beyond borders and establishing a presence
worldwide “.