VetMAX Rotavirus A/B/C Controls - THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC for Diagnostics For Animals


VetMAX Rotavirus A/B/C Controls

Real-time PCR


Product reference :  A57451

VetMAX Rotavirus A/B/C Controls are for use in multiplex, reverse-transcription real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) workflows targeting rotavirus subtypes A, B, and C and Xeno RNA control. The controls contain single- and double-stranded RNA and come pre-mixed in one tube as a ready-to-use solution. The included Xeno RNA control (1,000 c/μL) is an internal positive control added to the lysis solution during RNA isolation to distinguish PCR inhibition, reaction failure, or human error from true negatives.

  • Test Principle :  Real-time PCR
  • Packaging :  10
  • Pathogenic :  Rotavirus A, B, C
See Producer Website