VetMAX™ Neospora caninum Detection Kit

Real-Time PCR


Product reference :  NEOSP

This kit is a single-well duplex real-time PCR for the detection of the parasite Neospora caninum in abortion tissue, heart, and muscle samples of bovine, small ruminants, and wild ruminants using TaqMan™ primer and probes.

The LSI VetMAX™ Neospora caninum Detection Kit is a reliable and robust test that can be used to diagnose the parasite Neospora caninum as cause of abortions in ruminant herds. The exogenous Internal Positive Control (IPC) that is included enables testing of other species, like dogs, with this kit.

The kit includes:
• A ready-to-use master mix that includes the detection systems for the Neospora target and the IPC target
• A positive control for Neospora
• An exogenous Internal Positive Control (IPC) to be added to each sample and each negative control in the extraction protocol

  • Test Principle :  Real-Time PCR
  • Packaging :  50
  • Pathogenic :  Neospora caninum
See Producer Website