VetMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus Detection Kit 2.0
Real-Time PCR
African swine fever
Product reference : A57008
The Applied Biosystems VetMAX African Swine Fever Virus Detection Kit 2.0 is a single-well real-time PCR assay for the detection of African Swine Fever Virus in samples (blood, serum, tissues/organs, oral fluids, and meat juice) from pigs and wild species. The assay is a second-generation real time PCR assay in which the African Swine Fever Virus DNA and dual internal positive control (exogenous and endogenous IPC) targets are amplified and detected using fluorescent TaqMan probes.
screening during outbreaks and monitoring situations.
Features of the VetMAX African Swine Fever Virus Detection Kit 2.0 include:
• Ready-to-use master mix that simultaneously amplifies ASFV target and dual IPC
• Upgraded ASFV design
• Endogenous internal control
• Xeno DNA internal control
• Negative amplification control
• Fast MagMAX CORE sample preparation protocol (20 minutes plus preparation time)
• Fast run time qPCR (40 minutes)
• Pooling capabilities up to 20 samples (blood, serum, tissues/organs)
• Strong validation data (Se 100% & Sp 100%)
African swine fever is a highly contagious, lethal viral disease in pigs and wild boars. The virus spreads rapidly in pig populations through direct or indirect contact and the bite of infected soft tick species. Outbreaks of ASFV cause commerce disruption resulting in severe economic losses in pig-producing countries. Rapid detection of infected pigs is fundamental to control the disease. The VetMAX African Swine Fever Virus Detection Kit 2.0 offers rapid testing (under an hour) and can be used to test pools of up to 20 samples for the presence of African Swine Fever Virus.
- Test Principle : Real-Time PCR
- Packaging : 100
- Pathogenic : ASFV virus