Rose Bengal
Brucellosis (Brucella suis)
Product reference : RSA-RB
Rapid slide agglutination antigen for the detection of anti-Brucella abortus, melitensis, or suis antibodies in bovine, ovine, caprine, and porcine species
- Suspension of Brucella abortus biovar 1 Weybridge strain No 99, inactivated by heat and phenol and coloured with rose bengal stain in an acidified buffer.
- Calibrated on the OIEISS International Brucella standard serum and the national secondary serum to be positive against a 1/45 dilution and negative against a 1/55 dilution, as per the European directive CEE 64/432 and OIE requirements.
- Test Principle : Agglutination
- Packaging : 330
- Pathogenic : Brucella abortus, melitensis and suis