Kylt® IB-aCoV LD 100 - SAN VET for Diagnostics For Animals


Kylt® IB-aCoV LD 100

Real-Time PCR

Avian infectious bronchitis

Product reference :  31193

Kylt® IB-aCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Detection products are intended to be used for the preliminary screening for Infectious Bronchitis Virus and further avian coronaviruses in samples from birds.

The Real-Time RT-PCR Detection Kit contains all reagents and controls for the detection of all avian coronaviruses including Infectious Bronchitis Virus and turkey coronavirus.

  • Test Principle :  Real-Time PCR
  • Packaging :  100
  • Pathogenic :  Avian Coronavirus (incl. turkey coronavirus) and Infectious Bronchitis Virus Screening
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