Kylt® ST DIVA LD 25 - SAN VET for Diagnostics For Animals


Kylt® ST DIVA LD 25

Real-Time PCR

Salmonellosis Typhimurium

Product reference :  31856

Kylt® ST DIVA 1 Real-Time PCR Kit is suitable for the differentiation of Salmonella Typhimurium field strain vaccine strain of field strain (SEf) and vaccine strain Salmonella Typhimurium mutant (histidine-adenine-auxotroph) (contained in Zoosaloral H, Zoosaloral R, Zoosal T and Salmoporc from IDT) (STvac).

The kits are suitable for the analysis of confirmed ST-positive samples from birds, pigs and ruminants, such as swab samples (e.g. cloacal or rectal samples), tissues and organs (e.g. intestinal mucosa, lymph nodes, caecal tonsils), faeces, environmental samples (e.g. dust, feathers, sock swabs, swabs) and pure or mixed colony material / isolates derived from cultural processes of the aforementioned samples. Prior to analysis with the Kylt® ST DIVA 1 kits, the samples must have tested positive for Salmonella Typhimurium, as this is the only way to ensure valid results.

The kit contains all necessary reagents, enzyme mixtures and controls for a safe and accurate detection.

  • Test Principle :  Real-Time PCR
  • Packaging :  25
  • DIVA :  1
  • Pathogenic :  Differentiation between Salmonella Typhimurium field strain and vaccine strain (ST-Mutant; Histidin-Adenin-Auxotroph)
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